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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


PPC ( Pay Per Click ) Ad Campaign: A deep study
Different techniques are followed by webmasters to get a good rank in the search engines and this ultimately boosts traffic for their websites. Among all the SEO techniques PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising is the most significant one, where you can get fantastic results. But before going for PPC advertising, you should have thorough knowledge about it. Here we are going to give a detailed description about PPC advertising and how it can help you in achieving your objective. It will explain the fundamentals of improving a visitor’s response to your website content through appropriate page structure and layout, and improving the inquiry rates and sales resulting from these prospective client visits by including an effective call to action within these pages. These steps will definitely add some value to websites, those who want to develop the effectiveness of their online promotional activities.
First of all you should know:
What is PPC Advertising?
PPC (Pay-per-click) is the advertising model in which advertisers pay for click-throughs to their website. These ads are served based on keywords or themes. PPC advertising works through a bidding process. It provides exclusive results in attracting the targeted customers to their website. If you are launching a new website, then this technique can provide you the best result than any other technique. PPC advertisers are aggressive marketers.
Search engines shows two different types of results when a visitors searches for a particular keyword. Some of them are free search results and some of them are PPC advertising results. Free search results are displayed on the left side of the result page and pay-per-click results are displayed on the right side of the result page. These are text-based advertisements.
Before assigning highest ranking to one particular website, the bids are checked by PPC bid management team. Pay per click advertising involves paying these search engines, only when a user clicks on your advertisement and visits your website. If the user doesn’t click on your ad, then it costs nothing. Your ad position specially depends on your bid value. The more you pay for your ad, the higher your ad will be displayed at the top of the result list. Another factor has great impact on your result, i.e. - keyword selection. During selecting keywords for your ad you should select those keywords which are very relevant to the theme of your content. It should be based on the products or services that you want to highlight. Your ad is only displayed when the user searches for those keywords that you have bid on.
There are also some additional benefits that you can get through PPC advertising-
1. If your keyword selection is good, then your ad will be displayed each time the user searches for that particular keyword. In this way you can get a lot of clicks on your ad and it will ultimately increases the exposure of your website.
2. In PPC advertising you can control the expenses on your ad. It depends on how assertively you want to promote your website.
3. If your ad is displayed for a particular keyword which is very relevant to your products and services, then your ad will get more number of clicks. In this way you will get more potential customers.
Basics of PPC:
During setting up your PPC advertisement, there are certain factors which you need to consider. They are-
o CTR:
CTR is the acronym used for “Click Thru Rate”. This is the rate at which your Ad gets a click. It varies drastically, so you need to increase this periodically. If you are getting 5 clicks in 10 on your add, then you will achieve a 50% click thru rate (CTR).
o CPC:
CPC stands for “Cost Per Click”. When a user clicks on your advertisement, a certain amount is charges to your account. There is one auction system in Google, where you can bid on a maximum Cost Per Click that you are willing to pay for a particular keyword or term.
o Ad Position:
In this case your ad will be displayed in the advertisement list according to your bid value. So if you will pay more then your add will be displayed at the top of the search list.
To measure your result in Google advertising these two methods ROI (Return on Investment) or ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) are used. This focus on how many bid value you have to give to achieve a alteration.
o Advertisements:
These are actual text-based advertisements which are displayed on Google’s PPC advertising search engine results page. Google has restrictions on the nature of ads displayed on pay per click and also limits the amount of content that can be displayed within an advertisement.
Google has certain restrictions on the amount of content that will be displayed on pay per click ads and the nature of the Ads.
o Landing Page:
In PPC advertisement when a user clicks on your link, he will land on one particular page of your website. That is known as the landing page. This page is very important because here the user gets his required information about your products and services.
Ad Position:
Ad position has great importance in your pay-per-click advertising. The results also vary according to the ad position. Generally people think that ad position is decided on bid value. It is right up to certain extent, but Google also take other factors into consideration to decide your ad position. If your ad is getting more number of clicks then Google consider that your ad contains some valuable information that people are generally searching for. It helps to increase the rank of your site in search engines.
So sometimes if you are paying less bid value for your ad, but the keywords that you have used for your ad are very much relevant to the products or services you are offering and your landing page is very much relevant to the theme of your ad, then definitely you will be able to get a good position in Google’s PPC search result page.
Different Keyword Matching Strategies and their use:
Google provides three main keyword matching strategies. Each keyword matching strategy has special uses. All are dependant on the sequence of keywords. They are as-
Exact Match:
In this case the result will be displayed to the user only if the word entered by the user exactly matches with the keyword used in your ad. Exact matches are entered by enclosing them in [ ] square brackets.
[SEO Services] will match with ‘SEO services’ entered by the user. It will not match with ‘SEO Services India’.
o This is used as most effective campaign management tool.
o By using this strategy you can also measure, how specific terms used in your ads really show increased Click Thru Rate (CTR).
Phrase Match:
Phrase matches occur when a user given keyword exactly matches with the keyword phrase specified by you in your ad.
Suppose you have used “SEO Services” in your ad and the user is searching “Affordable Services SEO”, in this case it will not match and your ad will not be displayed to the user. If the user is searching for “SEO Services India”, then definitely your ad will be displayed, because the user searching for the phrase is exactly matching with the phrase used in your ad.
o This is one of the effective measurement tools.
o Once the basics have been established, it can be used as effective campaign improvement tool.
Broad Match:
Among different strategies used by Google Adwords, broad match is one. Broad match keywords are simply entered into the Adwords system with no special formatting or characters. For ex- SEO Services
This will show the list of ads that contains SEO and services. It will match with ‘SEO Services India’, ‘India Services SEO’ etc. It will also match with other derivatives of terms.
o It helps to amplify the number of times your ad is displayed and also helps to increase the supply of your ad impression.
o In this case the more your keyword phrase will match with the search word of the user, according to that your add exposure will increase.
Negative Match:
In this case Google Adwords keep certain restrictions for your ads. In negative match strategy your advertisements will not be displayed for certain keywords.
For ex- SEO Services
So for this keyword SEO Services, you can put a negative keyword against it. Here you can use ‘USA’. Suppose the user is searching for ‘SEO Services USA’, then your ad will not be displayed in the list. Generally negative match strategy is used if it is the product or services that you do not offer. You can also use negative keywords with ‘-‘symbol in front of them.
For Ex- ‘-USA’
Suppose some one is searching for USA, then your ad will not be displayed.
It is used to remove poorly targeted customers who may be looking for unrelated topics.
Categorise & Analyze:
Before starting your PPC advertisements, you should keep your concentration on certain points. Analyze different types of advertisement campaigns. One of the most fundamental drivers of success using Adwords is comparing the results between different campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords and Advertisements. In this way you can get effective results.
When to Create a new or separate Campaign
There are certain cases where you can go for separate advertisement campaigns. It has been discussed before that some of the ads are managed at the Campaign level. So if you are interested to know difference between different aspects of your advertising Campaigns, then you can go for a separate or new campaign. Before that you can spare your thought on different aspects of campaign level-
o To compare results between geographies, you can use separate campaigns.
o You can use different campaigns for the ads targeted at different times of the day.
Then you can compare different results and can analyze which campaign is providing better result. According to your results you can also lower your bid and can get more number of clicks for your ads.
When to create a new or separate Ad Group
Each Ad group is associated with multiple advertisements. In each advertisement you can target for different keywords. The number of times each ad is served and the ‘Click thru Rate’ for each advertisement are recorded separately. According to this result you can measure your performance.
Ad Groups are considered as useful technique for theme based keyword groupings.
Supply & Demand of Ad impressions
You can estimate your Ad impressions from your different Ad campaigns.
According to your Ad impressions you can make plan for your PPC bid value. If you are getting good response from one particular Ad campaign, although you will decrease the bid value for that Ad campaign, you will get good rank in Google’s PPC advertisement list.
So before proceeding, you should have idea about different Ad impressions.
Ad Impressions (Under Supply)
You can do experiments on your advertisements to know about the supply and demand of your product and services. After observing the results for few days or weeks you can take any decision. If you are getting less response than your estimation then you can go for more keyword expansion or you can increase the bid value for more potential clicks.
Suppose you are advertising for a particular country or region with relatively less population, in this case you can increase your bid value to get more response from limited users.
Ad Impressions (Over Supply)
Every PPC advertiser has certain budget for each day. Users click on advertisements which are not in the top position of the search results list. But you have to measure and monitor whether your advertisements are getting good response or not. You have to check that you are getting positive Return on Investment or not.
If you are being able to get your targeted results everyday, then it becomes more important to ensure that you have found a good position of the maximum number of user’s clicks for your daily budget.
How to Write Effective Advertisements?
PPC advertisements are generally text-based advertisements. Google Adwords permit certain amount of text for each advertisement. So during writing for your Adwords ads, you should keep certain points in your mind.
o During writing for your Ad campaign, you just forget that you can give detail description about your products and services. So try to write your description within certain word length and focus on the products and services that you want to highlight in your advertisements.
o The title of your Ad campaign should be very much relevant to the theme of your products or services, so that visitors can easily fin it out.
o Real time and real world feedback is very necessary for your ad campaign. By trying different approaches and observing the results, you will quickly refine your approach. Audience remark is very necessary for every advertiser.
o Most people don’t like jargon and they respond best to simply expertise messages. So Always use wording that are appropriate to your audience.
o Before writing any message you should consider who is going to read this message. Your wording should clarify to whom you are targeting.
o Try to include those keywords in your advertisements that people are really searching for. Focus on the key features and advantages that you are going to offer.
o You can add ‘call to action’ within your advertisement. If someone will be interested to buy your product or service, they can directly go through this add click option.
o You should remember the website address or URL address that is displayed on the ad. Always try to display the top level address.
Too much or too little detail
When you are writing for your ad campaign, it should be within certain word length, because generally customers do not spend more time to read one Ad. If customers get anything interesting then they would like to go to the deeper part. So when you are writing information about products and services of your website, try to keep it within one or two paragraph. A customers with a strong interest in purchasing a particular product or service will be willing to read a little about the key features of that product or service.
If one customer is very much interested to buy your products or services and you have given very little information in your ad campaign, at that case you can kill a customer’s interest. So always try to keep your description within certain standard.
First of all, you should decide what you expect from the user and how can you promote him to take the decision immediately. Always you should present the relevant information for the user to support their decision and to take action.
Always Home pages aren’t the best option
In your Ad campaign, generally you prefer to give link back to your home page, but it is useful only when it contains some valuable information about the products and services you have given in your ad campaign. If it contains some general information about your company, then it never be a wise decision to send the users to that particular page.
When you send a user to one particular page of your website, your aim should to convert the visitor into regular customer. If your home contains sufficient information about your products and services, then definitely you can use it as your landing page.
Different landing pages can be given for different Ad campaigns and you can separately measure the performance of each ad group. Finally you can understand the effectiveness of each add group in converting traffic to sale.
General Tips on PPC Advertisement
o If you are going to start your new PPC advertisement, just go slowly. Don’t spend more on your Google campaign.
o Check your performance in regular intervals and make your plan accordingly. If require you can change your keyword bids also.
o You can apply new methods for new Ad Groups. But if you are being able to find out techniques that work well, you just follow those techniques for development of your Ad campaign.
o As your core campaigns and Ad Groups achieve success, focus on refining those ads.
o Keep things simple and try to keep your Adwords campaign within a manageable level.
o If you have larger budget and more resource, then you can try to get the best result from it.
We hope all the important tips discussed above will be useful for your pay-per-click ad campaigns. It will definitely help you to maximize your result in Google Adword’s PPC result page. Google Adward is considering as the best advertising media where you can get feedback about user’s behaviour on your ad campaigns.


A process of improving web pages so that they have the ability to rank higher in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). It specifically reference Non-Paid SERP ranking.way of seo
Keyword Phrases
Basic Elements:
On page Optimization
On site Optimization
Off site Optimization
These are popular terms
1. Search Engine Marketing(SEM)
2. Search Engine Positioning (SEP)
3. Internet Marketing
4. Website Marketing
5. Website Promotion
Companies in a competitive keyword arena not addressing this issue may lose business and market share.
1. Reach : Almost 80% of internet users rely on search engines and directories to find the information they need.
2. Accessibility: SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found in top ranking.
3. User Friendly: SEO will make a site more user friendly when accomplished properly.
4. Location : It is common practice for internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results. So high rank is essential for directing more traffic towards the site and grabbing visible market share among potential customers.
1. Reduced Marketing Costs
2. Lowest cost form of Search Engines traffic, Cost may decrease over time.
3. Branding value
4. Long term growth in site visitors
5. Increased sale or leads
6. Provide high level of credibility.
7. Broad coverage on potentially every search engine world wide.
8. 60% Search Engine screen devoted to natural ranking.
9. Savvy searchers have higher regard for natural ranking (consider them editorial endorsement)
10. Broaden your market and target a wider coverage cost-effectively
11. Steady increase in search engine traffic with long term effect
12. Increase quality of search engine traffic
13. Improve business conversions and sales leads
14. Improved Revenue and ROI
15. Reduced Acquisition cost
1. Major Search Engines attract more distinct visitors than almost any other websites.
2. 85% of all internet user sessions involve someone browsing a search engine.
3. Research has shown that users friendly ever go beyond the top 30 search engines ranking for a single search. It is estimated that the top 30 results receive over 90% of search traffic.
4. Consumers use search engines to locate and buy goods or to research many decision.
5. 68% of people using search engines use two or more words in their search strings.
6. People finding your site via Search Engines are more qualified targets for your products and service they search for what you offer.
Crawler based Search Engines accomplish three basic tasks.
1. Crawling the internet.
2. Indexing content and links
3. Ranking of Algorithm
1. Every crawler based search engines has its own spider (also called the crawler)
2. The spider visits a web page reads it to classify its contents and then follows links to others pages within the site.
3. Depending on the search engine and the sites content the spider returns to the site periodically to look for changes
4.Crawlers are software. Search Engines sends out and gather information. It crawls the links of http:// spider follow the crawler and takes snapshots, bring the information excluding stop words.
1. SEO process is not about tricking the search engines.
2. It is about understanding what elements search engines look for on a page to help determine the relevance of the page to a search term. By understanding what page elements the search engines take into consideration and making adjustments to better present your page. You can improve your rank for a search term.
3. There are a large variety of methods to perform SEO. Every step and process depends upon the niche and requirement of the website.
4. Basic formula of ROUX of the SEO process can be broken down to three parts.
A. On Page Optimization
B. On Site Optimization
C. Off Site Optimization
Analysis, Research and Consulting
1. Semantic Analysis
2. Keyword Analysis
3. Website Analysis
4. Position Monitoring
5. Competitive Analysis
6. Industry Analysis
7. Log File Analysis
8. Visitors Behaviors Analysis
9. Goal Assessment
10. Website Auditing
11. Analyzing Existing Promotional Activities
12. Consult on maximizing page conversions
13. Website code / Graphics analysis
14. Web Site Architecture Assessment
On-site SEO
1. Original and Attractive Title
2. Attractive Description
3. H1 / H2 tags
4. Image Alt Tags
5. Content Fixing
6. SEO Copywriting
7. Robots.txt
8. Sitemap.xml
9. Static Sitemap
10. Breadcrumb
11. xhtml/w3c Validation
12. Browser Compatibility
13. Page Size and Load Time
14. Canonical Issue Fixing
15. MOD Rewrite
16. Duplicate Content Fixing
17. Broken Link and 404
18. IP location
19. Spider Simulation
20. Google Analytics
21. Google Webmaster Central
22. Script Optimization
23. XML RSS Feeds
24. Spider Friendly Navigation
25. Source Code Optimization
26. Pod Casting
27. Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)
Off-page SEO
1. SE Submission
2. Directory Submission
3. Article Submission
4. Blog Submission
5. Social Bookmarking
6. Video Submission
7. Software Submission
8. Googlebase Submission
9. Forum Posting
10. Contest Submission
11. Threeway Linking
12. Paid Links
13. Link Bait
14. E-book Submission
15. Press Release Submission
16. Reciprocal Link Building
Weekly and Monthly Reporting
1. Pre SEO Report
2. Report Summary
3. Daily Activity Report
4. Link Building Report
5. Link Popularity Report
6. Keyword Ranking Report
7. Traffic Report
8. Visitors Tracking Report
9. ROI Reports
PPC Campaigning Service
1. Keyword Analysis
2. Keyword Matching Strategies
3. Improving CTR
4. Improving Ad Position
5. Improving Quality Score
6. Landing Page Optimization
7. Roi Calculation
8. Budget Optimization
9. Ad Rotation
Additional Service
1. E-mail Campaign
2. Viral Marketing
3. Network Marketing
4. Google Optimization
5. Yahoo Optimization
General search engines
Alexa Internet (formerly Ask Jeeves)
Live Search (formerlyMSN Search)
Yahoo! Search
Metasearch engines
Myriad Search
Answer-based search engines
Lycos iQ
Windows Live QnA
Yahoo! Answers
Google-based search engines
AOL Search
MySpace Search
Yahoo!-based search engines
Windows-Live-based search engines
Ms. Dewey search engines
Hakia (semantic search)
Job search engines (India)
Craigslist (by city) (Canada) (USA) (USA) (USA) (International)


What exactly is link popularity?

High link popularity contributes to a high search engine ranking. Link popularity and content are closely associated. Link popularity can be achieved through link campaigning (one-way, two-way and three-way link campaigning.) The idea behind the link popularity concept is very simple. The more other web sites link to your web site, the more important your site must be. Other sites wouldn't link to your site if there wasn't something interesting on your site or if your web site didn't contain any special content. So give more importance on unique and creative content.

Not all links are considered equal.

I have told you before that link campaigning can be done in three ways; i.e. one-way, two-way and three-way link campaigning. Among these three types of link achievements one-way link (popularly known as inbound link, incoming link or natural link) is the most valuable one. The rest follow accordingly. The page which gives you link should have a good rank, which will boost your webpage ranking, otherwise, there will negative impact on your webpage immediately.

Whenever you campaign for link, don’t forget to put your targeted keywords as anchor text. Some Common Sense Tips for link campaigning:

1. Try to get links from important web sites

2. Try to get link texts that contain your important keywords

3. Don’t use FFA or link farm pages

4. Don’t use services that promise lots of links within days

5. Focus on quality links, not on quantity

6. Try to get links from indexed pages

Can SEO companies guarantee rankings?

Some search engine optimization company offer guaranteed high rank with in stipulated period. If you find any SEO company claiming in this way, then just consider them as cheaters. No way, they can help you. Don’t think that it’s impossible, but doesn’t yield good results. There are only two techniques through which top ranking can be achieved. These are as follows:

1. PPC/CPC campaigning

2. Obscure keyword optimization

In PPC campaign the top result can be achieved, but until you pay for this service. The moment you stop paying, your website will be nowhere in the SERP. You can optimize your site by taking obscure keyword for which there is no one to search and to compete. Obviously when you type in that obscure keyword, your site will come on the top. But what will be the value in adopting this strategy, if you don’t boost your business? So those who claim this, just ignore there service. There is one way to get high search engine rankings and staying there is good web page content and playing by the rules.

How link popularity can help your search engine rankings

After proper search engine optimization of your website, if there is no development in search engine ranking, this is due to low link popularity. As we know the popular things are widely available. Search engines (like Google) give more significance to link popularity and to content, too. Link popularity refers to the total number of links that a search engine has found for your web page. The more web sites link to your web page, the higher the link popularity of your page.

Top 10 tips for high link popularity

Let’s revisit the link popularity section. Here I’m giving you TOP 10 strategies for link popularity. They are as follows:

1. Cross-link your sites

An easy way to improve your link popularity is to add a link from your own popular web site to a less popular site of your own.

However, it's very important that one site is not only a duplicate of the other and that both sites are related to each other. It is considered as cross-linking.

2. Give testimonials

Everyone has some favorite software tools and utilities. Contact the publishers or developers and explain why you like their software programs. Some of them will request a permission to display your testimonial on their web site, along with a link to your site.

You can also contact web sites that don't offer software programs but interesting articles. Just make sure that you really stand behind what you say as it can backfire to you if you recommend bad products.

3. Awards for you and other sites

You can submit your web site to sites who offer awards. If they reward you their award, then they'll probably link to your site. Just search Google for "awards directory your-keyword" (replace "your-keyword" with a keyword that is important to your business).

You can also offer an award for other web sites. Submit your awards page to the above-mentioned awards directories to make it popular. The web sites who receive your award will link back to your site.

4. Participate in newsgroups and discussion forums

When you post to newsgroups and discussion forums, add a signature file with a link to your web site.

An easy way to post messages in newsgroups is to create a Google account and to post via their web interface:

To find good discussion forums, just search Google for "forums directory your-keyword". For example, if you want to participate in a marketing forum, search Google for "forums directory marketing". This is a great medium of getting natural links.

5. Provide a link directory

Offer a link directory on your web site which links to quality web sites with a similar topic. Your visitors will appreciate such a resource and you'll provide incentive for other sites to link to your site.

You can add a "link to us" page to your web site on which you promise to add other complementary sites to your link directory if they link back to you first.

6. List your web site in the Yahoo directory

If you have a business web site, you might want to pay US$299 yearly to Yahoo to have your web site listed in the Yahoo directory. The Yahoo directory is independent from Yahoo's main search engine:

If you have a non-business site, you can submit to Yahoo without paying:

7. List your web site in the Open Directory Project (ODP) directory

If your web site is listed in the popular directory ODP, then your web site will have a good base for the link popularity.

Rumor has it that Google starts crawling web sites with the web sites listed in the ODP directory. Best of all, you can add your web site to ODP without paying a fee.

8. List your web site in regional and industry-specific directories.

A link in regional and industry specific directories is good for your web site because your link will appear on a related page. Links from related pages are much better than links from unrelated pages.

9. Write articles for your audience

Write articles about the topics that your web site visitors are interested in. After a while, other web sites will link back to your articles.

You can also send your articles to syndicate web sites. They'll offer your articles to other web sites. Just make sure that your article contains a link to your web site so that other sites who publish your article will automatically link to you.

10. Get reciprocal links from complementary sites

Search the major search engines for your keywords. They will return many web sites that don't compete with your site, or which offer complementary things.

Visit their site and then write them an email message to request a link to your site. If you link back to them first, they'll be more likely to link to you.


The Future Of Search Engine Optimizing:
Theme Engines
. . . the next generation of search engines has arrived.
by Robin Nobles
If you've been following the evolution of search engine optimization strategies, you know that the game's not getting any easier. Not only that, but traditional forms of optimizing aren't as effective as they once were. Am I telling you anything you don't already know?
Why DO The Search Engines Change So Much?
Why do the search engines constantly have to evolve into a different type of engine?
Why can't they stay the same?

To answer this, let's look at the ultimate goal of a search engine. What do the search engines want to do? They want to provide relevant results to you, the user. Why can't they do that under the current system?
There are several reasons why the current system isn't working. For one thing, the Internet is growing at an unheard of rate. Plus, spammers are growing at an unheard of rate as well. In many ways, the engines are fighting a losing battle to provide relevant results while combating spamming and duplicate pages.
In essence, the engines need a way to store more pages, combat spam, and still provide (or attempt to provide) pertinent results. So, in an effort to provide relevant results, the engines began sliding in other variables, which is where the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation search engines come in.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Generation Engines
By understanding the path we've taken to get where we are in this crazy search engine business, it might give us some insight into where we're going.
You may have heard of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation engines, but what exactly does that mean?
Michael Campbell explains,
In the beginning, search results were very basic and largely depended on what was on the Web page. Important factors included keyword density, title, and where in the document keywords appeared.
First generation added relevancy for META tags, keywords in the domain name, and a few bonus points for having keywords in the URL. Basic spam filters emerged that got rid of keyword stuffing and same color text. The portals also made their appearance, and engines started looking like giant billboards and overstuffed yellow pages.
All of this is quite familiar, isn't it? Almost too familiar.
But, do META tags hold as much importance as they once did? No. Does using keywords in various tags help as much? Generally not.
Instead, the engines took it a step further in their quest for relevant results by bringing in 2nd generation engines.
Campbell explains,
Second generation, which is in full swing with the themes thing, added much in the way of off page criteria and link analysis. A few of the major components they employ are tracking clicks, page reputation, link popularity, temporal tracking, and link quality. Then they started adding in term vectors, stats analysis, cache data, and context where two-word keyword pairs were extracted from a page to better categorize it.
We'll cover "term vectors" and other information mentioned in the above paragraph later in this article. For now, let's continue with 2nd generation engines.
We all know how important a good solid link popularity is these days. Does any old link count? Certainly not. The days of huge link exchange programs with no thought for "related" links are over.
Plus, with Google's PageRank system and DirectHit's method of tracking clicks and the length of visits, we're seeing more evidence of a 2nd generation engine.
But what is a 3rd generation engine? It's almost mind boggling to consider.
Campbell explains,
Third generation is already underway. It adds word stemming and a thesaurus on top of the term vector database to assist in keeping a search in context. Auto extraction of keyword pairs also helps automatically categorize a page, where searches like `shop for' or `find' trigger totally different search results based on the context or intent of the person doing the searching.
G3 adds Web maps which, although not searchable, are a useful filtering tool to get rid of duplicate sites and many stand alone pages that drive traffic to only a few destinations. This means pages like doorways, gateways, entry, splash, or whatever you want to call them, will soon get filtered out.
They will also be extracting as much data as possible about your individual searching habits. All the major engines plan on building personal profiles, little robots that `come to know you' over a period of time, based on past searching habits.
Okay, so we have a good idea of where the search engines are headed, but how can we keep up? The 2nd and 3rd generation engines are theme-based, but what does that mean, and how does it translate to what we need to do with our own sites?
What are "Theme" Engines?
What exactly is a "theme" engine? First, let's hear the scientific definition. This isn't easy reading, so it might help if you have a brown paper bag handy in case you hyperventilate.
Computer scientists working with Campbell define "themes" or "topics" as, Using a term vector database, they weigh page keyword density to calculate the page vector, which is compared and stored relative to the term vector. They then compute a Web page reputation by graphing interconnectivity and link relevancy, making sure the reputation of the page and the content on the page actually match. The closest matches get the highest search engine positioning.
Uh huh. Kinda hurts the brain cells, doesn't it?
Now, let's look at an easier-to-understand explanation. How does Michael Campbell define a theme engine?
One. The answer is one. What you say about your Web page, how the structure of other people's Web pages compares on the same topic, and what other people say your site is about, must match, be in harmony with each other, be as one.
Or, in the cold hard world of the search engines, where everything is weighted and calculated according to mathematical formulas, whoever is closest to the 1.000000 without going over is the winner, coming up tops in the search engine.
A theme engine looks at all the information on a `seed set' or a group of sites and pages that it has already spidered and has in its index. It assigns each page in the index a number or page vector. This becomes the `core' of the search engine.
Suppose you just submitted a Web page, so you are now in competition with everything in the core. The engine looks at everything on your page, from one and two keyword phrase densities, to page length, compares it to the seed set and assigns your page a number, for each keyword phrase. These numbers assigned to the keyword phrases are known as `term vectors.'
The closer your term vector is to the page vector, the better chance your page has of being a top ten contender for any particular keyword phrase. You might even be `folded in' to the core, bumping off some other page, causing it to fall out of the search engine. (Some engines will adopt the `pay to stay in the core' model in the near future, so paid sites won't get bumped out.)
Then, there is what the rest of the Internet and its users have to say about your page. Link analysis, traffic, stats, and cache data are all taken into consideration and analyzed.
The next step is to add in and calculate words in incoming links to your page, making sure they match up to your term vector. So, what the search engine has determined that your page is about must match what the rest of the Internet says your page is about in their links to you.
So in review, in layman's terms, here is what I would define as a theme based engine:
What you say your page is about, what the search engine calculates your page to be about, and what the rest of the Internet thinks your page is about, must match, according to their mathematical formulas.
Then, as the whipped cream topping on top of the theme behavior sundae, are the stats and cache data. If your site is one of a search engine's top exit pages, it must be good, because people don't come back and search some more once they've found your site. You just got a big boost in positioning. And, if your site gets searched and clicked on so often that you are in the engine's cache for speedy data retrieval, your site must be very good indeed.
All of these factors, both on and off page criteria, help define what a theme-based search engine is looking for. They are looking for unanimous approval that your site is all about a particular topic. And the more narrow the focus on that topic, the better your site will do.
Take a deep breath. You probably feel like your mind is burning with information, because this is a lot to digest. Go get a cup of coffee (or a stiff drink), and let's get back to work.
Which Engines are Theme Engines?
In Campbell's opinion, all search engines are moving toward being theme-based.
It's just another way of saying they are implementing `second generation' search engine strategies. Some engines call it `in context' searching, while others call it `rank and reputation' or `on topic.' These are all different ways of saying the same thing: adding off-page criteria to help determine relevancy.
So, with all of the engines gravitating toward being theme engines, does this mean that we have to scrap our current search engine optimization strategies? Not necessarily.
Let's look at a few of our current optimization strategies to see how effective they'll be with theme engines.
Current Optimization Strategies
1. Cloaking
With the move toward theme engines, will cloaking be as effective when working with a theme engine?
John Heard, producer of IP-Delivery, a leading cloaking software, says it will be just as effective and even allow for more flexibility in page content if implemented properly.
According to Heard,
There is no difference between a cloaked or non-cloaked site when it comes to themes for in-bound link popularity in most cases. However, it should be noted that a cloaked site can choose what links it does or does not show to the search engines. This is potentially advantageous.
Say that you want to trade links with someone. You want the advantage of their link popularity but you don't want to send your popularity back to them. A cloaked page will help you do this if you set it up right. By placing the links only on the consumer version page but excluding them from the search engine optimized (cloaked) page, you can 'hide' them from the engine.
So yes, in that way, cloaking can affect link popularity. It's entirely in the hands of the SEO professional in the manner it's used. Cloaking is handy if you want to cross link sites and show those links to humans but don't want the engines to see the links.
A good example is if you own a computer hardware site and a travel site. The two topics are not theme related so you don't want the engines to see the links between them. On the other hand, you might want your site visitors to see the links and a cloaking system would give you the best of both worlds.
2. Keyword Weight
Is keyword weight dying in importance, similar to its optimization buddies the META tags?
Not at all.
Campbell explains that keyword density is a very important foundation upon which everything else is built.
Different types of documents or pages have different characteristic densities. The seed set of Web pages that the theme engine used to populate its database will determine what is a normal keyword density for each keyword, based on the entire collection of pages for any particular topic.
Since the term vector database (TVD) is an open-ended application, other applications can be run on top of it. This gives the search engines the ability to change the target keyword densities from the normal parameters at will, to give the illusion of fresh search results, without needing to recompile the database. Smoke and mirrors mostly, but it keeps the very important keyword density target moving.
3. Competitive Keywords
One real problem when working with theme engines is getting stuck in the wrong vector if there are already many sites on a particular subject. Being in the wrong vector will mean that your page won't match the term vector, so your site's ranking will suffer.
But what if you're working with a highly competitive keyword phrase?
Campbell suggests,
If there are already 50 documents with 100 percent relevancy associated with a term vector in the database core, you are not likely to get in unless you pay for it. If you are really lucky, you might nail some off-page criteria that makes your site more important and bump some other site off. It is do-able, but it is a lot of hard work.
If you need instant traffic, just go after the low hanging fruit. Go after a second or third, yet popular, way of saying the same thing. For example, the phrase cellular phones is fierce and mobile phones is tough. Wireless phones is a very popular search phrase but has relatively little competition. My advice would be to go after the low hanging fruit first, and then try playing with the professionals at the top of the tree.
Getting stuck in the wrong vector is nasty. You'll need to change the content on your page to be sure it cannot be taken out of context. Make sure that on your banana bread recipe page, don't say you're growing fond of the recipe. Otherwise, the vector might determine your site is about growing bananas and not banana bread. The good news is that we can expect TVD's to get more accurate as they add more context intelligence.
4. Stop Words
Another problem in working with theme engines concerns stop words. If an engine considers a word a stop word, it won't get indexed at all. So, if your keyword phrase contains a stop word, you need to work around it. "If the engine is filtering out the word Web in the phrase Web site hosting, it means focusing your efforts on the phrase site hosting or saying the same thing but in a different way, like domain hosting," explains Campbell.
5. Redundancy Filters
With the theme engines looking for redundant Web pages, how can you avoid setting off the redundancy filters?
Simply put, the days of having mirror sites are over.
So, to avoid setting off the redundancy filter, don't duplicate, mirror, or copy your pages. Don't use "cookie cutter" templates with the keywords swapped out.
Campbell explains,
The filters are getting even tighter with Web maps. They can tell if a bunch of pages are doorways, or dupes, even if they are stored on different domains, because the page length and bite size are similar and they all point to the same place. They'll all get nuked in the culling process.
Campbell suggests sitting down and writing what the page is about.
Then once the page is complete, look at the target keyword densities you would like to achieve and start working the keywords into the title, headlines, links, and body copy of the page.
Try not to go too crazy with doorway pages for each site. Spread them around on different domains. Set up completely different Web sites to sell related yet different product lines, and create your own mini Internet of linked sites.
6. Lengthy Pages
With theme engines, you'll be walking a fine line between giving the engine what it wants to see (related content) and providing too much information.
If you provide too much information, it's likely that the page pertains to more than one topic, which means you'll have a more difficult time getting a top ranking.
But is it also a problem with TVD's compressing large pages?
"The TVD doesn't actually store the entire page," says Campbell.
It looks at the page, tries automatically to determine what it is about, and reduces it down to only a few words, like a dozen or so possible keywords and phrases.
The more words there are on a page, the more likely you are to talk about several topics, which in turn dilutes the dozen or so possible term vectors that the page can be about. Ideally, you want to focus the page on a single theme or keyword and describe its context with several two or three word combos.
If I had to pick a number, I would say to try to keep pages between 100 to 700 words, unless you really know what you are doing.
7. Changes in Ranking
With term vector databases, your pages may have been discovered by the engine's spider and given a ranking but have not yet been added to the database. Does this mean that once the pages are actually added to the database, their ranking could go up or down?
Campbell explains,
Yes, a page may have been discovered by a crawler but not yet folded in to the TVD. The temporary positioning in search results is based on the likelihood that your page contains relevant information. It's commonly called page reputation or what your page is known for. It is largely based on what incoming links say your site is about.
Once the engine recompiles its index, the page reputation will be compared to the term vector using a complicated mathematical formula and weighting scheme. In short, the reputation of the page and the term vector of the page must match to be a top 10 contender. The further away the numbers are from each other, the less relevancy, and the poorer the positioning of the page in search results.
How does Inktomi's 3rd Generation Engine Compare with AltaVista's?
Campbell says that he hasn't seen a lot of difference between the two.
They all seem to be going in the same general direction. But to be sure, the customization or proprietary experience at one engine over another will be their big selling point in the future.
They will definitely want to make their search experience unique -- to give the users a brand, or reason, why they would rather fight than switch. Otherwise, they may fade into the same old bland mediocrity and continue to lose traffic because of it.
Tips on Working with Theme Engines
How can we create Web pages that theme engines will like and boost our odds at getting top rankings?
• The days of having one single Web site devoted to your entire operation are virtually over. When working with theme engines, you'll want to make sure that what your page is about matches what the engines believe your page is about which also matches what other sites believe your page is about.
So, set up additional Web sites for different areas of your company. If you sell sports equipment, set up a site for hunting equipment, one for fishing, for baseball, and so forth. Interlink them together, carefully controlling how you're describing the links pointing to those other pages.
Make the overall design of the sites similar, so that customers will understand that they're still on your "turf," but change the content and the featured theme.
• When using link text, try eliminating punctuation marks and small, inconsequential words, like "and," "the," "it," and "for." Cut to the chase with link text by putting JUST the keyword phrase that you're aiming toward.
• Related link popularity is crucial, so if you have one site that's listed in several of the large, important directories, be sure to link it to your other sites, especially new ones.
• FOCUS! Keep each page focused on one topic, and keep each site focused on one topic. Ideas for topics include your different services, product names or categories, uses of those products, etc. Make sure that each interior or information page reinforces the main theme of the entire site. "Use two, or at the most three, word combos in links to achieve this," suggests Campbell.Use incoming and outgoing related links and content-rich pages.
• "Pull all the pages out of the database, set them up as static pages, and put them to work for you in the search engines," Campbell suggests.
• Check each page carefully. Make sure that everything on the page points to one central theme or has one focus. Do everything you can to make sure that the engine understands what your primary theme is.
• Don't use nearly identical pages with slightly different keyword phrases. Instead, create new and different pages for your keyword phrases.
More work? Absolutely. Will it pay off? You'll certainly have a much better chance at top rankings while avoiding the redundancy filters.
• Create your pages as if you're writing an article on your keyword phrase. Don't be afraid of content, but don't go overboard with it either.
• As you focus each page on a particular keyword phrase, use that keyword phrase in your tags and text on the page: title, headline, ALT, URLs, link text, META tags, etc.
META tags certainly don't hold the importance that they once did, so don't depend solely on them to achieve a top ranking.
• Go after keyword phrases that aren't as competitive in the beginning. Then, go after the more competitive phrases next.
What Does the Future Hold?
Campbell answers,
In the future, you might be able to load the engine full of lists of keywords. Your interests, likes and dislikes, geographical info, and favorite Web sites can be entered, from which the engine can create a context engine just for you. Just think, they'll know what your next search is likely to be, even before you do.
It's almost frightening, isn't it?


What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of refining your site so that it attains a ranking high enough to be seen by visitors using search engines. Search engines and Directories are one of the most cost effective ways to generate traffic when compared to purchasing links and advertising. Google and Yahoo form the most used search engines by the vast majority of surfers.

What are the Major Search Engines?
The major search engines in the order of importance are:

  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • MSN
  • Ask Jeeves
  • AllTheWeb
  • AltaVista & Much More...
LinkBuilding Overview:-

Promoting webs provides affordable and efficient link building. With this service we follow the best techniques and avoid the link development that will leave a negative effect on your site.

Today's major search engines monitor incoming links (link popularity) from other relevant and/or quality websites as a major role in determining who ranks above whom. Focusing on quality websites AND the proper use of anchor text within those one-way, incoming links have proven to be extremely effective in generating top rankings. Most businesses do that by making their website rank high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Link Popularity Building is one way of ensuring a high SERP ranking. As the name suggests, Link Building helps search engines detect a high level of popularity, ensuring better ranking. The logic behind it is rather simple: if your site is popular, it must be good (after all no one wants to link up with a poor site), and therefore, deserves better ranking. Although the major benefit of Link Building is to increase the rankings of a web page on Search Engines for different keywords, Link Building also helps enhance brand presence, increase direct traffic and help in deep indexing of a website.

Link Building Definition:-
“It's the online equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising. And just like its offline cousin, it's the most effective way to get new business. “


“It’s a managerial process of identifying, analyzing, choosing and exploiting marketing opportunities to fulfill the company’s mission and objectives. “
This advertising mode is known as "Link building," and it involves getting other Web sites to link to your site. It's like one of your neighbors recommending a good plumber or handyman; it carries more weight than if a person just stumbled across your Web site.”


Link Building is the process of enhancing the Link Popularity of a webpage by creating links to it from other websites, in order to increase Search Engine Ranking of that webpage.
Link Popularity is the main factor by which modern search engines rank the Web Pages. As such, a focused link building campaign must be at the core of the successful search engine optimization strategy.

Promoting Webs team of link building specialists are equipped to provide complete link building support that includes everything from Reciprocal / Non-Reciprocal Linking to Competition Back Link Evaluation and Link Building Campaigns .

Non Reciprocal Link Exchange Services:-
One-way links or Non reciprocal links are just what it says. You get a link without having to give a link back. One-way links When a person links his website to yours without asking for a link in return, then it is known as a One Way Link. These links are the best way to have inbound links without giving out or trading links from your site to outside sites, as they do not look like a reciprocal link exchange. These give the appearance of natural link building process and are the best way to increase the link popularity of the site by getting relevant links for the site. One-way links count a lot more than swapping links. There are two main advantages to non-reciprocal links as opposed to reciprocal links, the first is that these links will hold more weight, as they aren't reciprocated (the search engines can detect whether links are reciprocal) and the second advantage is that they don't have to be monitored as closely as reciprocal links.

How to Get Non-Reciprocal Links to Your Website and Improve Your Page Rank:

Directory Submission : submitting your website's link to directories is another way of getting backlinks.
Article Submission : Writing several articles and submitting them to article directories for publication is a great way to build one-way links. By including a link to your website in your articles resource box, you not only gain quality one-way links but also drive free targeted traffic to your site.
E-mail signatures : Start using E-mail signatures. They might not produce thousands of visitors, but are a great way to promote your site a bit without having to actually do anything.

Press Release : Press release is simply an announcement of an important event for your business. Just like article marketing, you can gain one-way links by writing a press release with a link pointing to your site and submitting it to other websites.

Reciprocal Link Exchange Services :-

Reciprocal link building process is reciprocal in nature, somewhat like a give and take deal and is therefore, also known as a Two-way link building process. In this process, when a website A gives a link to website B, then website B gives a link to website A, in return. Though, one way links are the great option for increasing link popularity of a site, Reciprocal links are a good option too, in terms of there low costs and effective and inexpensive services, yielding to economical results. If used in a balanced and systematic manner, Reciprocal link exchange can help in promoting your website, product, or services, effectively and efficiently. Increase your site's PageRank (PR) and Link Popularity by choosing from our Reciprocal Link Exchange or Only Incoming Link Building Campaigns. Boost your site's Google PageRank through a focused LinkBuilding program.

LinkBuilding Advantages
  • Improves natural search engine rankings (also called organic search engine rankings)
  • One of the best SEO techniques for flash websites
  • Results in a high ROI in the long run
  • Generates brand awareness and recognition
  • No recurring PPC costs in cases of one-time fee links
  • Cheap source of direct traffic

Another benefit that exists in increased PageRank (PR) (Value of importance give to webpage by Google on a scale of 0-10) value. We don't really consider that a benefit as a higher PR value is of no significance unless it directly contributes towards higher natural search engines rankings. Our research has shown that a lower PR webpage can rank better than higher PR webpage simply if it has quality inbound links.

What you should remember when building links:

Why would someone want to exchange a link with your site? It can be answered in two words:

QUALITY CONTENT. If your site has nothing new or important to present, why would someone want to link to it?
Links from websites related to your own topic or theme need to be obtained. If those in your own area think highly enough of your website to link to it, what does that say? Getting a link from a major directory or high ranking website can be more important than say 20 links from smaller sites (even in your own area). Again, if a big name player gives you a link, what does the little guy will think?

TIME--it will take time so one must be patient

Importance of Google in Link Building:
A Survey of Google's Page Rank Within the past few years, Google has become the far most utilized search engine worldwide. A decisive factor therefore was, besides high performance and ease of use, the superior quality of search results compared to other search engines. This quality of search results is substantially based on Page Rank, a sophisticated method to rank web documents.

The Page Rank Concept:
Page Rank is not simply based upon the total number of inbound links. The basic approach of Page Rank is that a document is in fact considered the more important the more other documents link to it, but those inbound links do not count equally. First of all, a document ranks high in terms of Page Rank, if other high ranking documents link to it.
So, within the Page Rank concept, the rank of a document is given by the rank of those documents which link to it. Their rank again is given by the rank of documents which link to them. Hence, the Page Rank of a document is always determined recursively by the Page Rank of other documents. Since - even if marginal and via many links - the rank of any document influences the rank of any other, Page Rank is, in the end, based on the linking structure of the whole.

The Page Rank Algorithm
The original Page Rank algorithm was described by Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin in several publications. It is given by:

PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (T1)/C (T1) + ... + PR (Tn)/C (Tn))

The Google Toolbar displays Page Rank on a scale from 0 to 10. First of all, the Page Rank of an actually visited page can be estimated by the width of the green bar within the display. If the user holds his mouse over the display, the Toolbar also shows the Page Rank value.

Where to Start?
The easiest place to start, when building non- reciprocating incoming links, is the directories. There are thousands of directories out there focused on a variety of different fields. Find the directories related to your industry and submit your site to them. After you have submitted to all the directories related to your website it's time to move on to other sites. Now you will have to apply the rules noted above and determine how much time each link is worth and how to allot your valuable time in attaining them.

First you will have to build a marketable and optimized web site that provides your visitors valuable content for the search terms they are entering. Link building is the icing. Without the cake it amounts to nothing. These methods are the most popular ones - but there are more. Quite often you will find out your site is linked to without your knowledge - provided it is good enough for that. So never stop improving your site - it will pay back sooner or later. Monitor the results of you link building campaign - and if you feel something is wrong, re-consider your strategy. Try and utilize as many methods as possible - and whatever you do, always be creative, imaginative and dedicated.



Across, 10 letters.

A link is _____________ when two sites link to each other; a type of backlink that should be avoided.


Down, 8 letters.

The way Google estimates a site's popularity. Can be from 1 to 10.


Down, 7 letters.

An advertising program by Google.


Across, 4 letters.

The largest human-edited search directory.


Down, 5 letters.

A technology for making Web movies; used mostly for banners.


Across, 8 letters.

A link that leads to nowhere.


Across, 8 letters.

One of the most popular SEO sites, which provides many SEO tools, articles and a discussion forum for SEO professionals.


Across, 3 letters.

The search engine owned by Microsoft.


Down, 6 letters.

The actual text of a link; the words that are hyperlinked to another site/file/bookmark.


Across, 3 letters.

The document which controls the visual appearance of a site.


Across, 9 letters.

One of the most famous search engine bots.


Down, 7 letters.

Once this was the most important item for search engines.


Down, 6 letters.

A page that has no inbound (and very often no outbound) links.


Down, 8 letters.

An in ethical SEO practice that includes creation of a group of highly interlinked sites aimed at inflating link popularity.


Across, 9 letters.

A group of keywords.


Across, 9 letters.

The file, which tells search engines the pages and directories of a site that are to be excluded from indexing.


Down, 7 letters.

When several blogs and sites link to the same site, with the same anchor text, aiming to push this page to the top of Google for the keyword in the anchor text.


Down, 8 letters.

Artificially inflating keyword density.


Down, 12 letters.

The practice of linking together several domains usually owned by the same person/company in an attempt to artificially inflate a site's popularity.

SERP (search engine result page)

Across, 4 letters.

An abbreviation for pages with search results.


Across, 8 letters.

An unethical SEO practice attempting to mislead spiders about the actual content of a site.


Down, 5 letters.

A company that provides traffic estimates and a rank for most of the sites on the Internet.


Across, 6 letters.

A site that is excluded from search engines is called _____.


Across, 6 letters.

Actually it is several HTML pages but with the same URL. One of the nightmares of SEO.


Down, 7 letters.

This is where Google places your site until it gets mature to be included in search engines.


Down, 9 letters.

The generic name for a browser, a search engine spider or any program that requests a Web page.


Across, 7 letters.

A black hat SEO practice that uses a single page, stuffed with keywords, to get higher rankings with the search engines. Also known as "gateway page" or "bridge page".


Down, 8 letters.

The other name of unethical SEO practices.


Across, 3 letters.

The text that appears when you put your mouse on top of an image or a picture.


Down, 7 letters.

A page that contains a list of all the links on a site.


Across, 3 letters.

The number of times a file on a Web site is accessed is called ______.


Across, 8 letters.

Once it was the leader in PPC Engines, now it is part of Yahoo!.


Down, 7 letters.
The percentage of keywords on a page.


Across, 6 letters.



Down, 5 letters.

An electronic magazine that pubishes mainly articles.


Across, 14 letters.

The number of backlinks a page has, regardless of the quality of the pages or sites linking to it.


Down, 7 letters.

The score Yahoo! gives to a site. Can be from 1 to 10.


Down, 8 letters.

A link from your site to another.


Down, 5 letters.

One of the major search engines.


Across, 7 letters.

A link that comes from another site to yours.